SDR Release Notes

0.74.2 Beta Release 2013

The release notes for recording packages: Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9.

SDR 0.74.2 Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 224 - Use of uninitialized value $@ in concatenation
  • Bug 225 - sysrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 226 - cpurec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 227 - nicrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 228 - netrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 229 - jvmrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 230 - webrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 234 - sysrec should default to extended mode
  • Bug 240 - webrec output results to stdout
  • Bug 251 - sysrec disk io metrics not available on certain systems
  • Bug 253 - hdwrec does not correctly return the number of physical disks
  • Bug 255 - hdwrec should report hypervisor type
  • Bug 262 - sender support for http transport
  • Bug 268 - jvmrec not able to report GC data
  • Bug 271 - sender should be able to select a specific reporting server
  • Bug 272 - support for sdr recording as a Debian package
  • Bug 273 - support for sdr recording as a RPM package
  • Bug 274 - sender should check for a subscription id
  • Bug 276 - sender sendssh2 routine not aware of subscription id
  • Bug 277 - sender HTTP message digest improvements
  • Bug 278 - sdr.conf clean-up and restructuring recording side
  • Bug 279 - hdwrec does not correctly return the number of physical NICs
  • Bug 280 - sysrec LA recording warnings
  • Bug 281 - perl modules clean-up
  • Update perl-5.16.3
  • Update libssh2-1.4.3
  • Update curl-7.30.0
  • Update libidn-1.26
  • Update sysstat-10.1.6
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.48
  • Update libxml2-2.9.1
  • Update XML-LibXML-2.0018

SDR 0.74.2 Recording Solaris 10+ x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 224 - sender use of uninitialized value $@ in concatenation
  • Bug 225 - sysrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 226 - cpurec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 227 - nicrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 228 - netrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 229 - jvmrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 230 - webrec performance metrics type definition
  • Bug 240 - webrec output results to stdout
  • Bug 262 - sender support for http transport
  • Bug 271 - sender should be able to select a specific reporting server
  • Bug 274 - sender should check for a subscription id
  • Bug 276 - sender sendssh2 routine not aware of subscription id
  • Bug 277 - sender HTTP message digest improvements
  • Bug 278 - sdr.conf clean-up and restructuring recording side
  • Bug 281 - perl modules clean-up
  • Update perl-5.16.3
  • Update libssh2-1.4.3
  • Update curl-7.30.0
  • Update libidn-1.26
  • Update sysstat-10.1.6
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.48
  • Update libxml2-2.9.1
  • Update XML-LibXML-2.0018

Known Defects

  • Bug 172 - procrec uses additional memory over long periods of time Info: procrec uses Sys::Statistics::Linux, to extract per process statistics. It seems there is a design issue within module which caches each process id resulting in a larger RES segment over long periods of time. We are working with the author of Sys::Statistics::Linux to correct this defect.

  • Bug 173 - jvmrec uses more memory over long periods of time Info: jvmrec in extended mode, uses Sys::Statistics::Linux to extract per process statistics, resulting in a similar memory usage pattern as described for procrec, Bug 172.

0.74.1 Oct 2012

The release notes for recording packages: Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9.

SDR 0.74.1 Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 209 - stuck established connections
  • Bug 212 - hdwrec errors on Ubuntu systems
  • Bug 213 - sender should support ssh2 connections using different custom ports
  • Bug 214 - raw2day should support ssh2 connections using different custom ports
  • Bug 216 - sender should have its own startup script
  • Update perl-5.16.1
  • Update curl-7.27.0
  • Update sysstat-10.1.1
  • Update XML-LibXML-2.0004

SDR 0.74.1 Recording Solaris 10+ x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 209 - stuck established connections
  • Bug 213 - sender should support ssh2 connections using different custom ports
  • Bug 214 - raw2day should support ssh2 connections using different custom ports
  • Bug 216 - sender should have its own startup script
  • Bug 217 - port hdwrec from ksh to perl
  • Update perl-5.16.1
  • Update curl-7.27.0
  • Update XML-LibXML-2.0004

Known Defects

  • Bug 172 - procrec uses additional memory over long periods of time Info: procrec uses Sys::Statistics::Linux, to extract per process statistics. It seems there is a design issue within module which caches each process id resulting in a larger RES segment over long periods of time. We are working with the author of Sys::Statistics::Linux to correct this defect.

  • Bug 173 - jvmrec uses more memory over long periods of time Info: jvmrec in extended mode, uses Sys::Statistics::Linux to extract per process statistics, resulting in a similar memory usage pattern as described for procrec, Bug 172.

0.74 July 2012

The release notes for recording packages: Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9.

SDR 0.74 Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 196 - sender specifications
  • Bug 197 - Email::Send not supported
  • Bug 198 - add File::Tail, Proc::Daemon, Proc::PID::File to SDR Perl distro
  • Bug 200 - sender libssh2 error channel unknown
  • Bug 201 - better logging if ssh2 connections are failing
  • Bug 202 - sender missing manual page
  • Bug 203 - hdwrec uninitialized values
  • Bug 204 - should relocate under sdr prefix
  • Bug 205 - netrec should die if netstat is not available
  • Bug 206 - jvmrec should die if jstat is not available
  • Update perl-5.16.0
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.45
  • Update curl-7.26.0
  • Update idn-1.25
  • Update XML-LibXML-1.99

SDR 0.74 Recording Solaris 10+ x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 196 - sender specifications
  • Bug 197 - Email::Send not supported
  • Bug 198 - add File::Tail, Proc::Daemon, Proc::PID::File to SDR Perl distro
  • Bug 200 - sender libssh2 error channel unknown
  • Bug 201 - better logging if ssh2 connections are failing
  • Bug 202 - sender missing manual page
  • Bug 204 - should relocate under sdr prefix
  • Update perl-5.16.0
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.45
  • Update curl-7.26.0
  • Update idn-1.25
  • Update XML-LibXML-1.99

Known Defects

  • Bug 172 - procrec uses additional memory over long periods of time Info: procrec uses Sys::Statistics::Linux, to extract per process statistics. It seems there is a design issue within module which caches each process id resulting in a larger RES segment over long periods of time. We are working with the author of Sys::Statistics::Linux to correct this defect.

  • Bug 173 - jvmrec uses more memory over long periods of time Info: jvmrec in extended mode, uses Sys::Statistics::Linux to extract per process statistics, resulting in a similar memory usage pattern as described for procrec, Bug 172.

0.73.7 May 2012

The release notes for recording packages: Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9.

SDR 0.73.7 Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 175 - remove -w from shebang, just use warnings
  • Bug 176 - HOSTNAME produces FQDN on Linux
  • Bug 179 - SDR Data File Extension .sdrd
  • Bug 183 - Normalization of Metrics CPU Utilization Linux
  • Bug 185 - port raw2day form ksh to perl5
  • Bug 177 - separate raw2day log rotation from transport mode
  • Bug 184 - missing runq-sz number of tasks waiting for run time
  • Bug 192 - sysrec sdrd 0737 data format changes
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.44
  • Update curl-7.25.0
  • Update libssh2-1.4.2
  • Update sysstat-10.0.5
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0j

SDR 0.73.7 Recording Solaris 10+ x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 175 - remove -w from shebang, just use warnings
  • Bug 179 - SDR Data File Extension .sdrd
  • Bug 182 - Normalization of Metrics CPU Utilization Solaris
  • Bug 185 - port raw2day form ksh to perl5
  • Bug 177 - separate raw2day log rotation from transport mode
  • Bug 193 - sysrec solaris sdrd 0737 data format changes
  • Bug 194 - jvmrec should output timestamp as first field in raw data
  • Update Net-SSH2-0.44
  • Update curl-7.25.0
  • Update libssh2-1.4.2
  • Update sysstat-10.0.5
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0j

Known Defects

  • Bug 172 - procrec uses additional memory over long periods of time Info: procrec uses Sys::Statistics::Linux, to extract per process statistics. It seems there is a design issue within module which caches each process id resulting in a larger RES segment over long periods of time. We are working with the author of Sys::Statistics::Linux to correct this defect.

  • Bug 173 - jvmrec uses more memory over long periods of time Info: jvmrec in extended mode, uses Sys::Statistics::Linux to extract per process statistics, resulting in a similar memory usage pattern as described for procrec, Bug 172.

0.73.6 March 2012

The release notes for recording packages: Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9.

SDR 0.73.6 Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 167 - procrec uninitialized value in division from
  • Bug 168 - master sdr startup script kills other interactive sdr sessions
  • Update sysstat-10.0.4

SDR 0.73.6 Recording Solaris 10+ x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 169 - netrec on Solaris should recorder tcpOutRs
  • Bug 168 - master sdr startup script kills other interactive sdr sessions
  • Bug 148 - openssl vulnerabilities and other libs available
  • Bug 150 - sysrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 151 - revision should answer to -V
  • Bug 152 - make sysrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 153 - make cpurec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 154 - make nicrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 155 - make netrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 159 - cpurec help usage field counter
  • Bug 160 - nicrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 161 - netrec help usage field counter
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0g
  • Update libssh2-1.4.0
  • Update curl-7.24.0
  • Update libidn-1.24

Known Defects

  • diskrec Linux x86/64, Solaris x64/sparcv9: not available

0.73.5 February 2012

The release notes for SDR 0.73.5, recording Linux 32/64bit packages.

Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 141 - sysrec should report detailed mem statistics
  • Bug 148 - openssl vulnerabilities and other libs available
  • Bug 150 - sysrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 151 - revision should answer to -V
  • Bug 152 - make sysrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 149 - jvmrec missing second colon field delimiter when new generation one is 100 %
  • Bug 153 - make cpurec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 154 - make nicrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 155 - make netrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 156 - make jvmrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 157 - make procrec perlcritic level 4 compliant
  • Bug 159 - cpurec help usage field counter
  • Bug 160 - nicrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 161 - netrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 162 - jvmrec help usage field counter
  • Bug 163 - procrec help usage field counter
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0g
  • Update libssh2-1.4.0
  • Update curl-7.24.0
  • Update libidn-1.24
  • Update sysstat-10.0.3

Known Defects

  • diskrec Linux x86/64, Solaris x64/sparcv9: not available

0.73.4 October 2011

The release notes for SDR 0.73.4, recording Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9 packages.

Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 140 - jvmrec does not correctly process jvm target names
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0e
  • Update libssh2-1.3.0
  • Update sysstat-10.0.2
  • Update curl-7.22.0

Recording Solaris 10 x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 119 - cleaner shipped with SDR recorders
  • Bug 135 - sysrec sub-second interval support
  • Bug 136 - cpurec sub-second interval support
  • Bug 137 - netrec sub-second interval support
  • Bug 138 - timestamp should be the first field in the raw data
  • Bug 139 - nicrec sub-second interval support
  • Security Update: openssl-1.0.0e
  • Update libssh2-1.3.0
  • Update curl-7.22.0
  • Update libidn-1.22
  • Remove nicrec-1.22, unmaintained

Known Defects

  • diskrec Linux x86/64, Solaris x64/sparcv9: not available

0.73.3 August 2011

The release notes for SDR 0.73.3, recording Linux 32/64bit packages.

Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 121 - add support for sub second interval
  • Bug 115 - 0.73.2 openssl not finding its own shared libs
  • Bug 129 - make jvmrec report the time as the first field in raw data
  • Bug 124 - add support for io stats
  • Bug 117 - nicrec for Linux based OSes
  • Bug 104 - procrec Linux support
  • Bug 130 - update sysrec man page for latest changes
  • Bug 131 - update cpurec man page for latest changes
  • Bug 132 - update nicrec man page for latest changes
  • Bug 133 - update jvmrec man page for latest changes
  • Bug 134 - update procrec man page for latest changes
  • Update perl-5.12.4
  • Update libssh2-1.2.9

Known Defects

  • diskrec Linux x86/64, Solaris x64/sparcv9: not available

0.73.2 July 2011

The release notes for SDR 0.73.2, recording Linux 32/64bit packages.

Recording Linux x86/64

  • Bug 108 - ssh2 via Net::SSH2
  • Bug 113 - make sysrec clean to perlcritic
  • Bug 110 - jvmrec incorrectly uses pargs in Linux based OSes
  • Bug 112 - make netrec clean on perlcritic
  • Bug 114 - update jvmrec man page for Linux
  • Update libidn-1.22
  • Update curl-7.21.7
  • Update sysstat-10.0.1
  • Remove nicrec-1.22, unmaintained

0.73.1 April 2011

The release notes for SDR 0.73.1, recording Linux 32/64bit packages.

Recording Linux x86/64, Solaris x64/sparcv9

  • Bug 102 - jvmrec does not record jvm data from all zones, 64bit support
  • Update perl-5.12.3
  • Update openssl-1.0.0d
  • Update curl-7.21.5
  • Update systat-10.0.0

0.71 January 2010

The release notes for SDR 0.71, recording Linux 32/64bit and Solaris x64/sparcv9 packages.


  • sysrec: CR 11 sysrec records negative memory usage
  • sysrec: CR 08 sysrec should take into consideration ZFS ARC consumer
  • hdwrec: CR 24 missing CPU information: MHz, GHz
  • hdwrec: CR 12 incorrect parse of number of physical disks installed
  • jvmrec: support for Solaris local zones
  • corerec: support for SPARC VI, VII cpus
  • SMF: corrections for jvmrec, corerec recorders


  • generic: CR 31 Internet Explorer 5,6,7 support. Use IE 7 for handling transparent png images correctly
  • generic: CR 32 SDR Perl, memory leak in Perl 5.10 Solaris 10
  • wlanalyzer: new HTTP workload analyzer utility, based on Perl
    • reports throughput per sec, minute, hour for your HTTP application
    • combines throughput and CPU utilisation
    • computes the workload Service time
  • binaries:
    • perl 5.10.1: updated
    • rrd 1.4.2: updated
    • R 2.9.2: new installation
    • PDQ 5.0.3: new installation

Known Defects

  • Recording, jvmrec: supports only Hotspot VM. J9 from IBM might work but has not been tested
  • Reporting, network data: not fully implemented

0.63 February 2009

The release notes for SDR 0.63, recording Solaris x64/sparcv9 packages.


  • cpurec: improved reporting for user/sys/idle
  • netrec: for system with no zones deployed new features available
  • raw2day: connectors for SSH, FTP for automating sending the logs to reporting site
  • sender: experimental job to send data every N minutes to reporting side
  • hdwRec: hardware recorder improvements


  • system reports: sysrec data
  • per cpu reports: cpurec data
  • per zone reports: zonerec data, experimental
  • per server hdw configuration: hdwrec data
  • scalability: USL and integration of TEST or QA data

Known Defects

  • Recording, sysrec: not able to take into calcul ZFS. Situations when memory usage is negative
  • Recording, hdwrec: not able to list JVM and zones
  • Recording, jvmrec: supports only Hotspot VM. J9 from IBM might work but has not been tested
  • Reporting, zones, jvm: not fully implemented
  • Reporting, network data: not fully implemented