

  • Standard agent: yes
  • Monitoring Parameters: 43
  • Data Source: /proc, process information pseudo-filesystem
  • API: Sys::Statistics::Linux
  • Programming Language: Perl 5


Records system performance metrics from a Linux 32 or 64bit kernel. The agent requires a minimum version of Linux kernel 2.6 version. The recorder uses Sys::Statistics::Linux, a Perl based module which handles data collection from proc interface. The recorder outputs collected data as sdrd, sdr raw data format.


sysrec records system utilization, saturation and errors from CPU, memory, disks and network cards, overall values across all devices found. It is very important to start your analysis using the results of this recorder, since this will present the overall situation across all devices, cumulative.

id name type description
1 timestamp time seconds since Epoch
2 cpupct number CPU utilization averaged across all CPUs, always less than or equal to 100%, percentage, gauge
3 sumpct number sum of all CPUs utilization always less than or equal to n*100%, percentage, gauge
4 headpct number headroom CPU available, all CPUs, always equal to n*100% minus sumpct, percentage, gauge
5 userpct number CPU utilization USER space in percentage, averaged across all CPUs
6 nicepct number CPU utilization USER space with nice priority, averaged across all CPUs percentage, gauge
7 syspct number CPU utilization SYSTEM space, averaged across all CPUs, percentage, gauge
8 idlepct number CPU utilization idle state, averaged across all CPUs, percentage, gauge
9 iowaitpct number CPU utilization in idle state because an I/O operation is waiting to complete, percentage, gauge
10 irqpct number CPU utilization servicing interrupts, percentage, gauge
11 softirqpct number CPU utilization servicing softirqs, percentage, gauge
12 stealpct number CPU utilization of time spent in other OSes when running in a virtualized environment, percentage, gauge
13 runqsz number run queue length, number of tasks waiting for run time
14 plistsz number number of tasks in the task list
15 memusedpct number size of used memory in percent, gauge
16 memused number size of used memory in kilobytes, gauge
17 memfree number size of free memory in kilobytes, gauge
18 memtotal number size of memory in kilobytes, gauge
19 buffers number size of buffers used from memory in kilobytes, gauge
20 cache number size of cached memory in kilobytes, gauge
21 realfree number size of memory is real free, memfree+buffers+cached, gauge
22 realfreepct number size of memory is real free in percent of total memory, gauge
23 swapusedpct number size of used swap space in percent, gauge
24 swapused number size of swap space is used is kilobytes, gauge
25 swapfree number size of swap space is free in kilobytes, gauge
26 swaptotal number size of swap space in kilobytes, gauge
27 swapcached number memory that once was swapped out, is swapped back in but still also is in the swapfile, gauge
28 readReq number total disk read requests, counter
29 writeReq number total disk write requests, counter
30 totReq number total disk read+write requests, counter
31 readByt number total read bytes / sec, in KB
32 writeByt number total write bytes / sec, in KB
33 totByt number total read+write bytes / sec, in KB
34 rxByt number total received bytes /sec, in KB
35 txByt number total transmitted bytes /sec, in KB
36 ntByt number total received + transmitted bytes /sec, in KB
37 rxerr number Number of errors that happend while received packets/second
38 txerr number Number of errors that happend while transmitting packets/second
39 rxdrp number Number of rx packets that were dropped per second
40 txdrp number Number of rx packets that were dropped per second
41 avg_1 number LA of the last minute
42 avg_5 number LA of the 5 minutes
43 avg_15 number LA of the last 15 minutes